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Narrative – my artistic story, without a dry listing of facts
English Biography – official English biography, 275 words
Nederlandse Biografie – officiële Nederlandse biografie, 288 woorden
Deutsche Biografie – offizielle deutsche Biografie, 277 Wörte
Biographie française – biographie officielle française, 294 mots
The photos below are available for press use after notifying Nathalie and correctly mentioning the photographer. Should a different resolution or photo be necessary, please fill in the contact form and request a different photo (portrait, in color, etc.)
- Portrait B&W at piano 2023_by Yoshie Kuwayama
- Portrait color at piano 2023_by Yoshie Kuwayama
- Portrait color at piano 2023_by Yoshie Kuwayama
- Portrait color 2023_by Yoshie Kuwayama
- Tribute to Toots at the Vindobona, Vienna_by Tanja Schwind

I have been fascinated by music for as long as I can remember. Whether it is through practicing it, recording it, performing it, teaching it or listening to it, music has a way of communicating with people and connecting people – without the barrier of a language – that I find endlessly interesting. This fascination probably has something to do with growing up in a musical family and having easy access to all sorts of musical genres. It is also largely due to the fact that music can give me goosebumps at any given time, on any given day. That, to me, was enough reason to pursue a career in this captivating form of art.
I think I was about 5 or 6 years old when I heard a recording of Arcadi Volodos playing Rachmaninoff in my grandparents’ house. It was then and there that I decided to become a musician. Not just a pianist, but a musician. Funny how a child often understands a life’s dream more accurately than a teenager or young adult. It took me quite a while before I re-acknowledged that youthful wisdom and understood that I wanted to combine playing piano, singing, classical music and jazz. And this mission has gotten me into some pretty awesome projects and experiences so far.

I have the most stage experience to date as a classical pianist, performing as a soloist, soloist with orchestra and chamber musician. One of my favorite projects was the Young Hearts for Music Tour in 2014, organized by EMCY, in which I performed in Germany and Austria with Danish violinist Kaya MØller and Austrian cellist Iris Renner. We also appeared at Copenhagen Summer Festival that same year. Similarly, I will never forget the moments where I stepped on stage to perform as a soloist with orchestra in De Munt, Flagey, Concertgebouw Bruges or De Spil. It is a weird mixture of adrenaline, trembling excitement and awe. This also happens when I get the chance to work with outstanding musicians. I have had the pleasure of working with conductors like Dirk Brossé, Geert Soenen and Kevin Hendrickx; performing either Ravel, Gershwin, Rachmaninoff or Boulanger. Sharing the stage with internationally renowned artists such as Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Dirk Altmann, Walter Boeykens Ensemble, Sophie Drummel and Roby Lakatos equally shaped my experience as a performer and allowed me to learn from their musicianship.

The warmest memories, however, are those where I share the stage with family and/or close friends. These include the Dreaming of a Jazzy Christmas CD and DVD project and my Master Recital at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent, where my father accompanied me in Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini. The Fundraising Event I organized in 2019 – which was the very first concert where I combined playing classical music and singing jazz – also plays a huge role in my most cherished memories.
My family also loves to celebrate big milestones on stage. Two examples of this include the Marc Matthys in Concert Livestream in 2021, where we celebrated my father’s 65th birthday, and the Toots Tribute, celebrating Toots Thielemans’ 100th birthday, in 2023.

As far as jazz and pop experience goes, I gained much of my experience as a lead singer with Dr Rhythm, the band that joined me on my Fundraising Event. This band, coached by Dominique Vantomme, made me a better singer and lyricist, and forced me out of my usual spot behind the piano. These experiences also gave me the confidence to start arranging and songwriting, which I still enjoy doing today.
In 2019, I connected with American-Austrian clarinetist Josef Lamell who is equally fascinated by classical music, arranging and lighter repertoire. We founded the Duo Lamell-Matthys and are having a great time tailoring and performing interesting programs and projects in all kinds of settings, from house concerts to private events to public performances.

When it comes to sharing music and my experiences as a musician, I am actively building my Patreon and YouTube presence with shorts, tutorials, music videos and vlogs. Producing most of these videos myself, I have learned a massive amount of skills I would never have were it not for the pandemic. Video editing, audio editing, photoshop, webdesign and – very important as a musician – coming out of my shell and getting comfortable in front of a camera. I have had a wonderful time collaborating with great musicians, including my father Marc Matthys, Belgian pianist Ilias Verbelen, Japanese pianist Yuki Futami and Austrian mezzo-soprano Althea Wetter to produce these videos and I am looking forward to more of this in the future.
I also genuinely enjoy sharing my knowledge as a pianist and singer with students of all ages and levels. When I was living in Belgium, I taught in many different music schools, up until I moved to Vienna in 2021 and opened my private NMusician Studio and started teaching at Amadeus International School.
Of course, becoming a musician requires training. In order to develop mastery, I have pursued music school, engaged in multiple competitions and was an active participant in several master classes. The community vibe of people spending their vacation or weekend to learn about music and performing together is always lots of fun. Especially the master classes with Paul Gulda, Jozef Dumoulin and Justin Binek stuck with me throughout the years. Competitions are obviously more stressful, but they helped me gain performance experience at a young age and work toward a goal. Because of my love for cross-over, I decided to de-emphasize competitions and focus more on concerts where I combine the music genres I so deeply care about.
Naturally, the most important part of my training includes the teachers who guided me over a longer period of time. My father is obviously one of the biggest influencers of my music-making. Regarding the early stages of my classical education and later-on jazz education, I am very grateful for the teachers at the Conservatory of Kortrijk. I actually got my first classical ensemble lessons from my mother, my jazz piano training from my now brother-in-law and my vocal skills from my sister. True story. I also promise that they made me work hard.

At seventeen, I decided to pursue classical piano at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent and study with Vitaly Samoshko. During those five years, we focused on detecting colors in sound, practicing in the most efficient way and finding my own path as a musician. It was in Ghent, during my Masters, that the idea of studying in the USA became fixed in my mind. The full story with all the ups and downs on how exactly I arrived at Jacobs School of Music to study classical piano with Emile Naoumoff and jazz vocals with Sachal Vasandani and Darmon Meader is documented in my blog. But I do want to mention the organizations and people who made it possible for me to experience this life-changing event. A huge thank you to Fulbright Belgium/Luxemburg, Rotary Kortrijk-Groeninghe, Stichting Mitialto, SWUK, Action Maker and the individuals who sponsored the Fundraising Event. Without all of you, Studying at Indiana University would have remained a dream beyond my grasp. This huge step and the resilience it took to go that far out of my comfort zone made it a lot easier to move to Austria, become a freelancer and continue building my career as a versatile musician.
Official English biography (275 words)
Nathalie Matthys, born in Kortrijk in 1994, is a Belgian pianist, singer, songwriter and vlogger. As a soloist, Nathalie has performed in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Denmark, and the United States. She collaborates regularly with internationally acclaimed musicians such as the Walter Boeykens Ensemble, Dirk Altmann, Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Dirk Brossé, Sophie Drummel and Roby Lakatos. As a chamber musician, she performs regularly with American-Austrian clarinetist Josef Lamell as Duo Lamell-Matthys.
Nathalie has won several piano competitions, including the Stephan de Jonghe Competition (4th laureate, 2015, Aalst), the Rotary Cultuurprijs (1st laureate, 2012, Kortrijk), Belfius Classics (1st laureate, 2012, Brussels), the Rotary-Breughel Competition (3rd laureate, 2011, Brussels), the Concours de piano de Liège (1st laureate, 2010, Liège), MusicLive (2007, Bruges), the Steinway Piano Competition for the Youth (2nd laureate, 2007, Antwerp), and Jonge Solisten aan Zee (1st laureate, 2005, Ostend).
In 2017, she obtained her Master of Music in classical piano, summa cum laude, at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent underVitaly Samoshko. She also studied in the United States at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music under professor Emile Naoumoff (classical piano) and professors Sachal Vasandani and Darmon Meader (jazz vocals), with sponsorship from Fulbright, SWUK, Stichting Mitialto, and Rotary Kortrijk-Groeninghe.
She has participated in master classes with Daan Vandewalle, Paul Gulda, Daniel Blumenthal, Severin von Eckardstein, Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden and Jura Margulis, as well as with Ewout Pierreux, Jozef Dumoulin, Justin Binek, Kristen Cornwell, Cyrille Aimée and Cécile McLorin Salvant.
Online, Nathalie is active on Patreon and YouTube, where she shares classical music, jazz, tutorials, and vlogs. She also teaches piano and voice through her NMusician Studio and at the Amadeus International School in Vienna.
Officiële Nederlandse biografie (288 woorden)
Nathalie Matthys, geboren te Kortrijk in 1994, is een Belgische pianiste, zangeres, songwriter en vlogger. Als soliste trad ze onder meer op in België, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Denemarken en de Verenigde Staten. Ze kreeg ook de kans om samen te werken met internationaal gelauwerde musici als het Walter Boeykens Ensemble, Dirk Altmann, Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Dirk Brossé, Sophie Drummel en Roby Lakatos. Als kamermuzikante concerteert ze regelmatig met de Amerikaans-Oostenrijkse klarinettist Josef Lamell onder Duo Lamell-Matthys.
Nathalie nam met succes deel aan verschillende pianowedstrijden en werd laureate van de Stephan de Jonghe Competition (4e laureaat, 2015, Aalst), de Rotary Cultuurprijs (1ste laureaat, 2012, Kortrijk), Belfius Classics (1ste laureaat, 2012, Brussel), de Rotary-Breughel Competition (3rde laureaat, 2011, Brussel), het Concours de piano de Liège (1ste laureaat, 2010, Luik), MusicLive (2007, Brugge), de Steinway Piano Competition for the Youth (2de laureaat, 2007, Antwerpen) en Jonge Solisten aan Zee (1ste laureaat, 2005, Oostende).
In 2017 behaalde ze haar Master of Music in klassiek piano met grootste onderscheiding aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium van Gent bij Vitaly Samoshko. Ze studeerde ook aan in de Verenigde Staten aan de Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington, bij professor Emile Naoumoff (klassiek piano) en professors Sachal Vasandani en Darmon Meader (jazz vocals), met de steun van Fulbright, SWUK, Stichting Mitialto en Rotary Kortrijk-Groeninghe.
Ze volgde masterclasses bij Daan Vandewalle, Paul Gulda, Daniel Blumenthal, Severin von Eckardstein, Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden en Jura Margulis, evenals bij Ewout Pierreux, Jozef Dumoulin, Justin Binek, Kristen Cornwell, Cyrille Aimée and Cécile McLorin Salvant.Online is Nathalie actief op haar Patreon en YouTube kanalen, waar ze klassieke muziek, jazz, tutorials en vlogs deelt. Ze geeft tevens ook piano- en zangles in de NMusician Studio en in de Amadeus International School in Wenen.
Offizielle deutsche Biografie (277 Wörte)
Nathalie Matthys, 1994 in Kortrijk geboren, ist eine belgische Pianistin, Sängerin, Songwriterin und Vloggerin. Als Solistin ist sie unter anderem in Belgien, Deutschland, Österreich, Dänemark und den Vereinigten Staaten aufgetreten. Sie hatte auch die Gelegenheit, mit international anerkannten Musikern wie dem Walter Boeykens Ensemble, Dirk Altmann, Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Dirk Brossé, Sophie Drummel und Roby Lakatos zusammenzuarbeiten. Als Kammermusikerin konzertiert sie regelmäßig mit dem amerikanisch-österreichischen Klarinettisten Josef Lamell im Duo Lamell-Matthys.
Nathalie hat mehrere Klavierwettbewerbe gewonnen, darunter den Stephan de Jonghe Wettbewerbs (4. Preisträgerin, 2015, Aalst), den Rotary Cultuurprijs (1. Preisträgerin, 2012, Kortrijk), Belfius Classics (1. Preisträgerin, 2012, Brüssel), den Rotary-Breughel-Wettbewerb (3. Preisträgerin, 2011, Brüssel), der Concours de piano de Liège (1. Preisträgerin, 2010, Lüttich), MusicLive (2007, Brügge), der Steinway Piano Competition for the Youth (2. Preisträgerin, 2007, Antwerpen) und Jonge Solisten aan Zee (1. Preisträgerin, 2005, Ostende).
Im Jahr 2017 erwarb sie ihren Master of Music in klassischem Klavier mit höchster Auszeichnung am Königlichen Konservatorium von Gent bei Vitaly Samoshko. Sie studierte auch in den Vereinigten Staaten an der Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington, bei Professor Emile Naoumoff (klassisches Klavier) und den Professoren Sachal Vasandani und Darmon Meader (Jazzgesang), mit Unterstützung von Fulbright, SWUK, Stichting Mitialto und Rotary Kortrijk-Groeninghe.
Sie hat an Meisterkursen bei Daan Vandewalle, Paul Gulda, Daniel Blumenthal, Severin von Eckardstein, Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden und Jura Margulis sowie bei Ewout Pierreux, Jozef Dumoulin, Justin Binek, Kristen Cornwell, Cyrille Aimée und Cécile McLorin Salvant teilgenommen.
Online ist Nathalie aktiv auf ihrem Patreon– und YouTube-Kanal, wo sie eine Mischung aus klassischer Musik, Jazz, Tutorials und Vlogs veröffentlicht. Sie unterrichtet außerdem Klavier und Gesang im NMusician Studio und an der Amadeus International School in Wien.
Biographie officielle française (294 mots)
Nathalie Matthys, née à Courtrai en 1994, est une pianiste, chanteuse, songwriter et vlogueuse belge. En tant que soliste, elle se produit en Belgique, en Allemagne, en Autriche, au Danemark et aux États-Unis. Elle a également eu l’occasion de collaborer avec des musiciens de renommée internationale tels que le Walter Boeykens Ensemble, Dirk Altmann, Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Dirk Brossé, Sophie Drummel et Roby Lakatos. En tant que musicienne de chambre, elle se produit régulièrement avec le clarinettiste austro-américain Josef Lamell dans le cadre du Duo Lamell-Matthys.
Nathalie devient lauréate des concours Stephan de Jonghe (4e lauréat, 2015, Alost), Rotary Cultuurprijs (1er lauréat, 2012, Courtrai), Belfius Classics (1er lauréat, 2012, Bruxelles), Rotary-Breughel Competition (3e lauréat, 2011, Bruxelles), Concours de piano de Liège (1er lauréat, 2010, Liège), MusicLive (2007, Bruges), Steinway Piano Competition for the Youth (2e lauréat, 2007, Anvers) et Young Soloists by the Sea (1er lauréat, 2005, Ostende).
En 2017, elle obtient son Master of Music en piano classique avec la plus haute distinction au Conservatoire royal de Gand avec Vitaly Samoshko. Elle a également étudié aux États-Unis à l’Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, à Bloomington, avec le professeur Emile Naoumoff (piano classique) et les professeurs Sachal Vasandani et Darmon Meader (chant jazz), avec le soutien de Fulbright, SWUK, Mitialto Foundation et Rotary Kortrijk-Groeninghe.
Elle suit des master classes avec Daan Vandewalle, Paul Gulda, Daniel Blumenthal, Severin von Eckardstein, Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden et Jura Margulis, et avec Ewout Pierreux, Jozef Dumoulin, Justin Binek, Kristen Cornwell, Cyrille Aimée et Cécile McLorin Salvant.En ligne, Nathalie est active sur Patreon et YouTube, où elle partage un mélange de musique classique, de jazz, de tutoriels et de vlogs. Elle enseigne également le piano et le chant au NMusician Studio et à l’Amadeus International School de Vienne.