08 July 2020
Fulbright Belgium Luxembourg published my blog post around the universal language of music and Fulbright.
15 June 2020
The launch of French initiative Pianists Corner features 7,000 pianists from all over the world, with detailed information on teachers and students, composers, and compositions.
08 April 2020
The Dutch website Pianovrienden features pianists, articles, videos, interviews, festivals, scores and more. Their mission is to share everything piano as much as possible with the world.
23 March 2020
Vlamingen in de Wereld magazine interview on being a Belgian Fulbright student at the IU Jacobs School of Music.
June 2019
Fulbright Belgium-Luxembourg published a list of their grantees for the 2019-2020 academic year.
08 June 2019
Belgian classical radio, Klara, posted an article right after the interview featuring Olav Grondelaers, my father, my sister and myself.
May 2019
Artis Dulcedo featured me as one of their soloists on their website.
The website of the city of Bruges also shared promo for both concerts.
06 February 2019
Quindo (Kortrijk radio) published an article in addition to their interview about my fundraising event.
November 2018
Promo article on the project with Jong Symfonisch Gent, where we performed Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini.

03 August 2018
The city of Bornem wrote a promo article on the Boeykensfestival of 2018.
06 June 2017
Graduation School of Arts Ghent published all master programs of their graduating students
26 May 2014
Kufstein promo article for the Young Hearts for Music Tour