You only live once: a reflection on my first semester at IU
Two years ago, I actively initiated a lifelong dream of studying in the US. Today, only a couple of days away from 2020, my first semester at Indiana University has successfully ended and I’m getting ready for the next semester. The full story on how I managed to get here,…
Studeren in de Verenigde Staten: van droom naar werkelijkheid
Indien het je ambitie is om net als ik in de Verenigde Staten te studeren, ben ik ervan overtuigd dat dit artikel je kan helpen bij het waarmaken van je plannen. De beslissing nemen om deze droom na te jagen is de eerste grote stap, maar het is een lange…
My US Audition Adventure: fundraising result
THE FUNDRAISING EVENT – RESULT Exactly three weeks ago, I threw my very first fundraiser to help fund my studies in the USA. I must say I had no idea what to expect, how many people would make it, how much money this project would raise…I was only convinced it…