Three tips to help you stop overthinking – Nathalie’s Vlog #8
Ahhh aren’t we all fed up with that inner critic of ours. It’s natural to have a little voice in our heads that questions what we are doing, but if not moderated well, this can turn into a real problem. Anxiety, health issues, sleeplessness, these are only a couple of the symptoms and life is just too short to be beating ourselves up in our own heads.
So from one (almost) former overthinker to another: here are three things that have helped me on my journey to overcome my own inner critic. I hope you enjoy and find this useful!
Music used during the video: S. Rachmaninoff – Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, directly cut from this live recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx5MhDaBOHc&t
By the way, do you guys like the new thumbnail format? Let me know!
Take care
Much love