Tips on how to get the Fulbright award. Nathalie’s Vlog #31
First of all, I apologize for how dark the image is in this video! Night falls pretty early in Austria, so I’ll make sure to have a little bit more light next time! As for the subject of this vlog, to anyone who is interested in studying in the US, you will most definitely want to consider applying for the Fulbright grant. It is an absolutely amazing grant that opens a lot of doors, but at the same time, it’s a very competitive process. So by filming this vlog, I hope to give you the tools to win the award and help achieve your year abroad. If you have any questions regarding Fulbright, do leave them in the comments below! I’ll also try and get a US Fulbrighter on the channel so we can discuss the differences. Hope this helps you! And if you’re going for the Fulbright, good luck!!
Much love