When your plan blows up in your face, do these 4 things…[motivational video] -Nathalie’s vlog #7
If you have a soft spot for planning, you might have a list with all the steps you thought of in order to reach your ultimate goal in a smooth way. But often times, an uncontrollable factor throws you off balance, your nice list gets blown to pieces, and you can start from scratch. In many ways, that’s life! But sometimes you just need someone to give you a little energy to pick up the pieces, brush yourself off, and keep going. So this one is for all of you who are facing a blockade on their road to awesomeness. I hope it helps!
The blog post I’m mentioning in the video is accessible on this link: https://nathaliematthys.com/per-aspera-ad-astra/
Music used during the video: S. Rachmaninoff – Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, directly cut from this live recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx5MhDaBOHc&t
Let me know if this video is of help to you and feel free to share your experience in the comments below. If there is any topic you’d like me to cover, don’t hesitate to leave it in the comments. Stay healthy and safe!
Much love