Three things I wish someone had reminded me of while being in music school. Nathalie’s Vlog #29
You live and you learn! That’s the saying and it couldn’t be more true. However, that doesn’t mean we can only learn by experiencing.
In today’s video, I’m sharing three things I wish someone had told me or reminded me of while being a music student. They are basically epiphanies. Moments of clarity. Valuable pieces of insight that are plain and simple when you think about it…but that’s the thing right? We need to think about it!
Anyway, I hope this video serves you!
If you are interested in music lessons, feel free to check out https://nathaliematthys.com/booking-details/nmusician-studio/
And as always, should you have a request or a question you’d like me to address in a future vlog, simply reach out in the comments or on other social media!
Much love!