Can we make our new year resolutions stick? Let’s try! Nathalie’s vlog #53
A happy, healthy, joyous and wonderful 2024 to all of you! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and could regenerate a little bit.I don’t know about you, but I always feel a little uncomfortable with new year resolutions, since there are so many ideas and projects in my…
Vlog #52 How I practice memory work with Ravel Sonatine mvt 1
Practicing a piece by heart requires a great deal of effort, but there are some handy tricks to make the task easier and more comfortable.For today’s vlog, I thought it would be nice to film an actual authentic practice session for you, where I am in the process of relearning…
Diary of a concert tour in Belgium. Nathalie’s Vlog #51
October was a whirlwind for many reasons, but one of the biggest was our concert tour in Belgium at the beginning of the month. Two different programs, two different venues, two different ensembles…to say it was intense and fun is an understatement.So here’s what we’re covering today: Hope you enjoy!…
Why vlogging can help you reach new levels of artistry and musicianship. Nathalie’s Vlog #50
Fifty vlogs! So many lessons learned (including to not try something new under time pressure, lol) and so many things to still discover.So far these three things have really helped me into becoming a better artist and musician, especially as a freelancer: Much love, Nathalie
Sneaky stress-builders during music practice – neighbors. Nathalie’s Vlog #49
Being an artist is a marvel and a privilege, but it does not come stress-free. Just like with any profession, a bit of healthy stress is of course fine…but it becomes problematic if it frequently establishes itself, in particular during your practice/creation time. This is the second vlog targeting these…
Tips on beating procrastination (requested video #5). Nathalie’s Vlog #48
Today’s video was requested by Ebbenielsen on Youtube We’ve all been there, procrastinating a task until the last second and making ourselves stress out in a way that could have been avoided. What might cause this behavior? And how can we possibly avoid it in the future? Here are my…
Sneaky stress-builders during music practice – distractions. Nathalie’s Vlog #47
Being an artist is a marvel and a privilege, but it does not come stress-free. Just like with any profession, a bit of healthy stress is of course fine…but it becomes problematic if it frequently establishes itself, in particular during your practice/creation time. This is the first vlog targeting these…
Practice tips on discovering a new composer; Carl Lafite – Lynkeu’s Lied. Nathalie’s Vlog #46
On May 11, 2023 I have the privilege together with mezzo-soprano Althea Wetter to let people (re)discover Carl Lafite in Vienna. He was a Viennese composer-conductor-organist, lived from 1872 to 1944, and his music hasn’t been heard in the last 50+ years.Since some of you indicated that they like the…
Tips to instantly better your piano playing (demonstrated with sight-reading
). Nathalie’s Vlog #45
In vlog #43, we tackled three things to avoid in any music practice in order to advance more efficiently, and I figured we could dive into practicing the piano a bit more deeply today! I faced a big fear of mine in doing so, namely sight-reading a piece on camera…
How to get over the fear of being judged. Nathalie’s Vlog #44
Oh my lord, this was a bumpy road to get the vlog out on time! In short, the vlog was fully made with all the bells and whistles, but the sound had a major issue caused by my camera being plugged in…and no matter what I or my boyfriend did,…
Three things to avoid in any music practice. Nathalie’s Vlog #43
Music practice! It’s what makes us better at our instrument, at understanding music, at listening, at performing…at least, if done well. As with any skill, it takes time to develop good habits and I thought it a good idea to share some big traps to avoid during your practice time.…
1Piece1Week Challenge – Mondschein Sonata
My second attempt at facing a big fear of mine; sight-reading! During the summer, I got exactly 6 days to learn and record this world-famous piece of music and I decided to document the process for those of you who are interested. 15 minutes for 6 consecutive days, you can…
Three cool life lessons that the arts teach you. Nathalie’s Vlog #42
We’re back with a vlog! In the spirit of the time of the year, when we are reflecting and looking forward, this is what popped into my brain during this week and so it manifested itself into this video.We’re checking out some things I’ve learned by being an active musician,…
Unlocking your full potential, by letting go of fixed ideas around your dreams. Nathalie’s Vlog #41
We are back after summer break! How are you all doing? In today’s vlog, I thought it appropriate to focus a bit on unlocking our potential. In my own experience, I noticed that it is very easy to hold on to a certain idea of what a dream should look…
Three things that keep your motivation high. Nathalie’s Vlog #40
We are celebrating the 40th vlog today! And like with anything in life, even if you love doing something, it does not mean that you sometimes need some extra incouragement to get it done. So here are three things that have helped me getting these vlogs out, and I sincerely…