Room service!
It’s the holidays! Merry Chri-…
No, wait, Christmas passed already.
(It what now? H-how? When?)
Then…ehrr…Happy New Ye-…
No, still a little too early.
(Oh, thank goodness!)
I’m telling you, dear reader, I can’t keep up anymore. 2017 barely started and now we’re on the brink of 2018. Does every day still count 24 hours? Effectively?
But okay, December 29 it is. I don’t know about you guys, but this “adult life” thing…it’s messing up all the plans I made for fall and winter. I intended to post every 2 weeks, but September started and all hell broke loose. So unwillingly, it became every 2 months. I intended to study at least 4 hours every day, but some days I couldn’t practice at all. I intended to keep my work-out schedule unchanged since this summer, but I failed miserably. I intended to get enough sleep, but some nights anxiety decided to play tricks on me. I intended to work on a new project, but recording pre-screening videos and doing auditions kept me from studying anything else…intention, intention, intention.
And guess what everyone is asking now:
“What are your New Year resolutions?”
Every time the question pops, I scrap together bits and pieces of objectives from the last couple of years and mix them into a standard answer. But today I took the time to actually think about it and if I am completely honest with myself, I should say that my resolution for this year is:
room service.
Let me fill you in a bit: last week, right before our family Christmas party, I was at a hotel and I did something that I had never done before: I ordered room service. Lazy little brat that I am, I decided that putting on decent clothes, going downstairs and ordering something at the restaurant (I didn’t even have go outside!) was still too much of a burden. Well, guess what, guys: best club sandwich I ever ate. This simple act of utter laziness and at the same time thrill of doing something new made a click in my mind. It was the first time in a long time when I did something for myself without worrying about finances or fearing other people’s opinion. There was no pressure, no scheduled me-time before attending the usual business again, only the idea and acting upon it. And even though I was hungry, the feeling of contentment wasn’t linked to the food.
I bet my resolution makes a bit more sense now and you can see why I’d like a little more of that in 2018.
So let’s not be too hard on ourselves when thinking about resolutions.
I usually have the habit of aiming for goals that have an effect in a long-term: a work-out challenge, a change in diet, working on a different mindset, applying for a new job or starting a new hobby. But this year I think I will make it short-term: doing something nice for myself every day to have that instant joy. Simple things. After all, we only live once, right?
I hope these coming 365 days will be days you can look forward to. And I hope they will eventually turn into a year you will remember with a smile.
Happy holidays!
(comic by TheAwkwardYeti: http://theawkwardyeti.com/)

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