Simple stretches for neck, upper back, shoulders and arms -Nathalie’s Vlog #10
This is the tenth vlog! I can’t believe how fast it goes! So in order to celebrate, I thought it would be nice to instead of spending some quality time with our minds, to spend some quality time with our bodies.I do want to warn you that I am NOT…
The One Thing You Need to Reach Your Potential – Nathalie’s Vlog #9
This is a cheesy one, I know. But sometimes life throws things at you so you would remember a valuable lesson that you lost sight of. So to all of you who are experiencing a very very stressful week or time: this one’s for you. To help you remind yourself…
Three tips to help you stop overthinking – Nathalie’s Vlog #8
Ahhh aren’t we all fed up with that inner critic of ours. It’s natural to have a little voice in our heads that questions what we are doing, but if not moderated well, this can turn into a real problem. Anxiety, health issues, sleeplessness, these are only a couple of…
When your plan blows up in your face, do these 4 things…[motivational video] -Nathalie’s vlog #7
If you have a soft spot for planning, you might have a list with all the steps you thought of in order to reach your ultimate goal in a smooth way. But often times, an uncontrollable factor throws you off balance, your nice list gets blown to pieces, and you…
When facing the unknown. Nathalie’s Vlog #6
I know I know, I’m late! But nevertheless, thanks to online ordering and delivery, my dear laptop could charge and I could render the video! Today I’m talking about change. Big change, small change, fun change, not-so-fun change…it’s a major part of life and even though we might realize this…
Doing what you love for a living. Nathalie’s Vlog #5
If you are looking to make your profession out of your passion, then this vlog is for you. Here are 4 things that I have learned so far when making my job out of my greatest love: music. However, even if your interest is in an entirely different field, I…
Handling perfectionism. Nathalie’s Vlog #4
We’re used to the haircut and there were far less “uhms” but MAN, there were a lot of distractions too! In any case, here are some of the things I do to deal with my own perfectionism. A trait that sometimes is a blessing, but can also be majorly crippling.…
Self-discipline when laziness wants to take over. Nathalie’s Vlog #3
Okay, so I have to confess that my face is not used to the new haircut yet…and my hair made my nose itch almost continuously which was wildly distracting. I probably edited out 25+ “uhms” haha! Anyway, today we’re diving in a little deeper on self-discipline. These days it can…
How to believe in yourself. Nathalie’s Vlog #2
Number two is officially here! WHOOP! Time to get that chocolate out. Today I’m zooming in on one of the steps I mentioned in my previous vlog: how to train your brain into believing in yourself. As a performing artist, it can sometimes be nerve-wracking to walk on stage, especially…
How to face your fears and reach your dreams. Nathalie’s Vlog #1
I have been debating with myself on uploading videos like this for SO LONG… So what better subject to kick-off this new chapter than facing your fears and chasing your dreams. Take that, self-doubt! Today I’m sharing three things I do and/or try to maintain in order to reach my…
The Universal Connections of Music and Fulbright
In my never ending pursuit of becoming the best musician I can possibly be, Fulbright aided me in successfully taking my next step. In the last couple of months I have become friends with people from all over the world, including the US, Korea, New-Zealand, Japan, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica,…
Netwerken in het buitenland
Netwerken en ondernemen, dat zijn de twee magische werkwoorden van onze huidige maatschappij. Deze twee principes zijn zo ingeburgerd in onze samenleving dat we het al van jongs af aan doen: we maken vrienden op onze eerste schooldag, of dat nu kleuterschool, lagere school, middelbaar of unief is. In onze…
You only live once: a reflection on my first semester at IU
Two years ago, I actively initiated a lifelong dream of studying in the US. Today, only a couple of days away from 2020, my first semester at Indiana University has successfully ended and I’m getting ready for the next semester. The full story on how I managed to get here,…
Comfortabel ver van huis in vier stappen
Het vooruitzicht om langere tijd in het buitenland te studeren of te verblijven, is niets minder dan opwindend. Een nieuw avontuur staat voor de deur, je zal zoveel nieuwe mensen leren kennen, zoveel dingen ontdekken, ervaringen opdoen en bijleren. Maar het kan ook heel intimiderend zijn. De stap zetten om…
Studeren in de Verenigde Staten: van droom naar werkelijkheid
Indien het je ambitie is om net als ik in de Verenigde Staten te studeren, ben ik ervan overtuigd dat dit artikel je kan helpen bij het waarmaken van je plannen. De beslissing nemen om deze droom na te jagen is de eerste grote stap, maar het is een lange…